Thigh surgery provides a thinner, firmer, younger looking thigh.
It is a remodeling operation that changes the appearance and shape of the thighs, removing excess fat and skin.

The tonus and elasticity of the skin on the thighs can be affected by many factors such as age, genetics and weight gain.

Men and women who have lost a lot of weight, whether through weight loss surgery (Sleeve, Bypass, Gastric Ring …) or by natural means, will often have an excess of loose skin around the thighs. This surgery responds perfectly to their needs and in a very effective way.

Am I a good candidate for the thigh lift?

You are a good candidate for the thigh lift if you suffer from sagging or excess skin around your thighs.
If you have large thighs but with a firm and elastic skin, liposuction alone can suffice since there is no excess skin to remove.
To be considered a good candidate for thigh surgery, you must be in good general health, do not smoke and have realistic expectations for the expected results.
Discuss your options with the surgeon to make the right decision.

  Thighs lift rate : £ 1 650

This package includes: the Surgery, anesthesia, use of the operating room, stay at the clinic, drugs, surgeon and anesthesiologist fees, Silicone Gel implants from an European brand, compression clothes, convalescence at the hotel and transfers (Airport / Clinic / Hotel).

 Anesthesia : General

 Length of stay : 6 days (5 nights): 2 nights at the clinic / 3 nights at the hotel


Time of absence before returning to work :You can return to work after one week. Do not exert yourself and keep moderate physical activity for 15 days.

Ask for a personalized quote with the opinion of the Surgeon. Click here.


Before the thigh lift surgery

Before your thigh lift surgery is done, the surgeon checks your medical history. It also assesses the degree of elasticity of the skin and the amount of fatty tissue around the thighs to choose the best approach to meet your expectations.

Some thigh-lift patients decide to maximize their results by adding more surgeries to reshape the rest of the body and achieve a more harmonious result. This operation is often associated with a tummy tuck or liposuction in other areas of the body.

It is advisable to discuss these options with the surgeon during your consultation.

How is the thigh lift procedure performed ?

Thighs lift for men : Procedure and techniques

Surgery of the thigh is usually performed under general anesthesia or sedation. On average, the procedure lasts between two and three hours, but it depends on the situation of each patient.
For starters, the surgeon makes an incision slightly below the bikini line, through which fat and skin can be removed. Liposuction can be used to remove moderate amounts of adipose tissue depending on the patient.
Once this is complete, the skin is taut and the incisions are sutured. For many patients, drainage tubes are used to help relieve the accumulation of excess fluids during the first few days after the operation.

There are different techniques of thigh lift that you can choose, depending on your preferences and the recommendations of your surgeon. These techniques differ in the size and shape of the incision, as well as the area treated.

Inner thigh lift

The elevation of the inner thighs, targets the fats in the internal areas and responds to the reduced elasticity of the skin in the area caused by extreme weight loss or aging. It involves an incision in the groin area and follows the contour of the G-string, which means that it goes from the groin to the lower abdomen, then to each side of the pubic mound next to the vulva, and continue towards the crease of the buttocks. Through the incision, your cosmetic surgeon accesses the underlying tissue and removes excess skin and fat from the area. He then stretches the remaining skin by pulling it upwards to improve the contours of the leg.

Vertical lifting of thighs

Also known as the medial thigh lift, the vertical lift of the thighs also targets the inner area, but only the upper part. Although the vertical rise produces a better result compared to the internal lifting, it leaves a visible scar inside the legs.

Your cosmetic surgeon makes an incision similar to the internal incision of the facelift, extending from the groin to the back of the crease of the buttocks. In some cases, this extends even to the hip area. There are also times when vertical incisions are made from the groin to the inner knee, allowing your surgeon better access to the area to be treated.
Your surgeon will then lift the skin and remove excess skin and fat to tighten and improve the shape of your legs.

Lateral lifting of the thighs

The lateral lifting of the thighs is designed to tighten the skin on the front or outside of the leg and buttocks. This technique is best for patients with massive skin folds and fat swellings in the outer areas.

During the procedure, your surgeon creates an incision that starts at the top of the leg and follows the bottom edge of a bikini bottom, creating a V-shaped incision. This incision can wrap around the hip or buttocks. , depending on what you need. Your doctor then removes the excess skin before stretching the remaining skin upward and attaching it to the same area to smooth and tighten. It can be done on one leg or both legs.

Mini-lift of thighs

This intervention is a modification of the internal lifting that involves only a short horizontal incision in the groin area. It is preferable for patients who present only a looseness of the little in the upper third of the inner thighs.
Although the results are less visible compared to other lifting techniques, the mini lift produces a minimal scar, making it a viable choice for women who do not want unsightly scars.

Liposuction is often performed at the level of the upper thigh, although the central and lower internal areas are also aspirated. Then, part of the crescent-shaped inner skin is removed just below the junction between the thigh and the pelvis. The inner skin is then lifted upwards and sewn along the junction, leaving the scar just inside the groin fold.


After the thigh lift surgery

After a thigh lift operation, you can go home with drainage tubes in place. They are usually removed about two to three days after surgery.

Swelling or bruising are common side effects of the thigh lift procedure, which all go away on their own and can be managed with prescribed painkillers.
You will need to wear a compression garment on each thigh during the healing process. Generally, you can get up and walk a week after the surgery.

It may take two weeks or more before you can return to work.

Ask for a personalized quote with the opinion of the Surgeon. Click here.

To see also : 

Cosmetic surgery for men

Male tummy tuck

Male liposuccion

Body lift

Arm lift surgery

Mini tummy tuck men


Gynecomastia with uplift

Pectoral implants